Merle Bieber, MA

Studied history at the University of Vienna and completed a Master of Arts degree in contemporary history in 2016.
Master thesis on „Ich fühle mich nicht als Österreicher.“ Assimilation, Vertreibung und Verfolgung einer jüdischen Familie im Spiegel der Identitätsfrage ihrer NachfahrInnen („I do not feel like an Austrian“. Assimilation, eviction and persecution of a Jewish familiy reflected by the question of identity of their descendants).

Project member for the topic |Koschere Lederhosen. Jüdische Dirndln. Das Tragen von Tracht als Repräsentation der Zugehörigkeit?| in context of the project |Mobile Dinge, Menschen und Ideen. Eine bewegte Geschichte Niederösterreichs |(Mobile things, people and ideas. A history of Lower Austria in motion)

Dissertation |„Kosher” Lederhosen, „Jewish” Dirndl? The wearing of „Tracht“ as a representation of affiliation in Vienna and Lower Austria between the burgeoning summer retreats in the 19th century and 1938|

Since November 2023 Citizen Science agendas in the project |NS-„Volksgemeinschaft” und Lager im Zentralraum Niederösterreich. History - Contact Zones - Remembrance|, from October 2024 on part of the team for the Sparkling Science Project |Threat and self-assertion. Young people with refugee experience during the Nazi era and today|.

Coordinator for Lower Austria for ||.

|mail: Email to Merle Bieber|

Kathrin Merle Bieber

