
The Institute for Jewish History in Austria has been in existence since the so-called “Bedenkjahr” (year of reflection) in 1988 and is housed in the Cantor House of the former synagogue in St. Pölten. It is dedicated to comprehensive research into the history and culture of Jews within the relevant historical boundaries from the Middle Ages to the present day. For the Former Synagogue St. Pölten, Injoest also contributes to the content presented. |Read more …|


Lederergasse 12, 3100 St. Pölten
opening hours: Mon-Fri, 9:30-13:00
phone: 02742-77171-0 
|mail: office@injoest.ac.at|

Our events are available on our events calendar: |Aktuelles| (in German only).

The Institute is closed on March 7th and 17th, 2025!


The Former Synagogue St. Pölten (entrance Dr. Karl Renner-Promenade 22) opens again on 11 April 2025.
Information on the permanent presentation, temporary exhibition, events, opening hours and contact details can be found here:
|Former Synagogue St. Pölten|


Your donations to the institute are tax-deductible. For a donation receipt please contact us: |mail: office@injoest.ac.at|
Account details: Institut für jüdische Geschichte Österreichs
IBAN:  AT87 2025 6000 0005 6655

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