PD Dr. Birgit Wiedl MAS
Study of History and German Philology University of Salzburg, Master 1993
1998 Graduate of the Institute for Austrian Historical Research (MAS in historical research and archival science)
Doctorate from the University of Salzburg in 2002, dissertation on social and legal history of crafts in the Early Modern Era
1997-2000 freelance work for the Municipal Archives of Vienna
2000-2002 Archivist of the MuseumsQuartier Wien
Staff member of the Institute for Jewish History in Austria since 2000
2001-2008 instructor for the American Heritage Association (Study Abroad Program of the University of Portland, Oregon)
Lecturer at the University of Salzburg since 2009, at the University of Klagenfurt since 2017 and at the University of Vienna since 2022
2016 habilitation for Medieval History at the University of Graz
Leader of the completed research projects (sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund, FWF) „Documents on Jewish History in Southern and Western Austria“ (P21237-G18, 2009-2012), „Documents on Jewish History in Southern and Western Austria 1387-1404“ (P24405-G18, 2012-2016), „Documents on Jewish History in Southern and Western Austria 1405-14018“ (P28610-G28) and "Documents on Jewish History in Southern and Western Austria 1419-1437" P32396-G28, 2019-2024).
Currently leader of the FWF-sponsored project |Documents on Jewish History in Southern Austria 1438-1457| (PAT2684423).
|About the project|
Research focus: medieval economic and social history, history of Antijudaism, urban history, sources on the history of Jews in the Middle Ages, auxiliary sciences of history
|mail: Email to Birgit Wiedl|